Would you like to partner with our teachers and coaches to help them achieve their goals in the classroom and on the court? We have created an opportunity for this to happen through your support of our WISH LIST items. Your acts of kindness, no matter how big or small, will be applied directly towards the purchase of the item of your choosing. We appreciate your generosity! If you would like to support our teachers and coaches, please contact Becky Geyer at 210-897-0489 or email becky.geyer@k12.sd.us. All items will be ordered through the De Smet School District. We will provide all supporters with a donation letter receipt.
(3) Spalding Ball Racks
(4) TITAN 3-IN-1 HEAVY FOAM PLYOMETRIC BOX , 20 IN x 24 IN x 30 in @ $200.00 EACH.
The Sterilaser Floor Unit costs $2035 with shipping and delivers 53,000 microwatts of germicidal light. It neutralizes over 99% of pathogens, such as COVID-19, ringworm, impetigo, and MRSA in less than 0.25 seconds. Normally mopping the mats to sterilize before practice takes about 45 minutes. With this machine, it can be done in minutes and will also be used on the weight room floor.