Academic Registration Information


2025-2026 Registration Information

Registration Instructions

4-Year Plan

Transcript Checklist

Registration Forms

Freshmen Sophomore Junior Senior

The De Smet School District 38-2 is committed to a policy of nondiscrimination in relation to race, sex, religion, national background, handicap, and other human differences. Respect for the dignity and worth of each individual will be paramount in the establishment of all policies by the Board and in the administration of those policies. The Constitution of our nation and state, pertinent legislation enacted at those two levels of government, as well as court interpretations regarding citizens' rights, under this grid statement.


Download Course Descriptions as PDF

An asterisk (*) designates a required course of study.

CTE Defined: Career and Technical Education


English I * (9) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 01001
This is a broad course of study that encompasses language usage in reading and writing. Throughout the year, there is an emphasis on grammar, vocabulary, spelling, punctuation, sentence structure, and paragraph development. Students learn the fundamentals of characterization, plot, setting, theme, and literary terms that are found in selections of short story, fiction, non-fiction, poetry, and drama. Continuing assignments are given for use in the student’s career development plan.

English II * (10) 1 full credit - Semester I 01002 - Semester 2 Speech 01151
In the first semester, the sophomores study literature with emphasis on short stories, autobiographies, essays, plays, and novels. Comprehensive review of writing forms and the six traits of writing are used to prepare students for the state writing assessment using the Write to Learn program. Students spend the second-semester developing communication skills. The main objectives are to gain confidence in public speaking, to develop an understanding of the various forms of media, and to evaluate the impact media has on decision-making. In addition, projects to enhance career development will be completed: preparing resumes, writing letters of introduction and thank you notes.

English III * (11) 1 full credit - Semester 1 01051 American Literature - Semester 2 01003 English/Language Arts
The curriculum of this course is designed for further development of the communication skills of students. Emphasis is placed on the different forms of narrative, persuasive, descriptive, and informative writing. Students complete a research paper with formal citations. Students also begin a survey of American literature by studying the classics of the past decades and those works of contemporary authors through short stories, essays, poetry, and novels.

English IV (12) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 01004
Students review grammar, mechanics, and composition. Students write a persuasive paper with in-text citation and present a speech to the class based on their research. A survey of world literature is completed through drama, short story, poetry, and novel. In the second semester, students write a documented ethics paper that focuses on post-secondary career choices and present a speech to the class based on their research.

Creative Writing (12) ½ credit - Semester course 01104
Creative Writing courses offer students the opportunity to develop and improve their technique and individual style in poetry, short story, drama, essays, and other forms of prose. The emphasis of the courses is on writing; however, students may study exemplary representations and authors to obtain a fuller appreciation of the form and craft. Although most creative writing classes cover several expressive forms, others concentrate exclusively on one particular form (such as poetry or playwriting).

Senior Experience * (12) 1 full credit - 80019
Senior Experience is based on a personal proposal that requires students to demonstrate not only what they know but also what they can do. Students will be expected to conceive a plan of action that incorporates the following four elements: a product, research component, portfolio, and presentation. Capstone: Senior Experience calls upon students to use skills they have acquired and practiced throughout formal education. It will take them out of their comfort zones, preparing them for life beyond high school.

Technical Writing (12) ½ credit - Semester Course 01105
The Technical Writing course prepares students to write research papers and/or technical reports. Class emphasizes research, and interview, organizing, and writing in a persuasive or technical style. Writing for careers, research, resumes, cover letters, etc. Research education, salary, work environment for future career, and present findings to the class.


Pre-Algebra * 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 02051
The course is designed for those students who would normally have difficulty with a standard first-year algebra course. It provides the fundamentals of a standard course.

Consumer Math * 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 02157
This one-year course is designed to equip the student with the tools necessary to become an educated consumer and improve their problem-solving skills. This course is not recommended for advanced math students.

Algebra I * 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 02052
Algebra I is a one-year course that covers solving equations, factoring, simplifying variable fractions, and a variety of applications of algebra.

Geometry * 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 02072
At the completion of this one-year course, the student will be able to better understand the mathematical system and to appreciate the basic structure of geometry to develop powers of spatial visualization, gain a basic understanding of the methods of coordinate geometry, to reason deductively and inductively in both mathematical and non-mathematical situations, to further strengthen his/her basic algebra skills, and to appreciate the need for clarity and precision of language.

Algebra II * 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 02056
Algebra II is an advanced course in the study of algebra, which includes strenuous review of Algebra I. There is an emphasis throughout the course on the concept of problem-solving, factoring, and understanding the number system, trigonometry, and algebraic reasoning. The course is designed to be a college prep course. It is useful for the ACT tests given after the junior year. Its most beneficial aspect is the development of reasoning skills for any student who enrolls and completes the course.

Trigonometry (11, 12) ½ credit - Semester Course 02103
The Trigonometry course prepares students for work in Calculus and includes the study of the following topics: trig functions and circular functions, their inverses and graphs, relations among parts of the triangle, trig identities and equations, solutions to oblique and right triangles, and complex numbers. Prerequisites: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II.

Probability and Statistics (11, 12) ½ credit - Semester Course 02201
This Probability and Statistics course introduces the study of likely events and the analysis, interpretation, and presentation of quantitative data. Course topics include discrete probability theory, odds and probabilities, probability trees, populations and samples, frequency tables, measures of central tendency, and presentation of data (including graphs). Prerequisite: Algebra I.

Calculus (11, 12) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 02121
The course is designed specifically for students who go to a 4-year college and need to take Calculus in college. The concepts of derivatives and integrals are studied along with a comprehensive review of Trigonometry. The course is very similar to the first semester of Calculus I at SDSU. Students are required to have three years of math with a "B" average to enroll. Prerequisite: Students are required to have three years of math with a "B" average.


Biology * (9) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 03051
Biology is the study of living creatures and their relationship to each other and to nonliving parts of the environment. We will answer questions in such a way that involves the process of investigation and discovery that are at the heart of biology.

Physical Science * (10) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 03159
Physical Science is a study of the relationship of matter and energy. Students will gain experience in observation; basic facts related to the study of physical science, students will develop skills in organizing, applying information, and interpreting information. Algebra I is recommended before taking this course.

Environmental Science (10,11,12) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 03003
Environmental Science is the study of how the Earth works. In this class, we will focus on ecology, populations, water, air and land, energy resources, and the future of our environment. We will do many hands-on activities where we will look at the environment around us.

Anatomy (11,12) 1 full credit - 03053
This advanced course examines the basic biological concepts of structure (anatomy) and function (physiology) of the human body. Body systems, such as the cardiovascular, respiratory, nervous, digestive, muscular, skeletal, and reproductive, will be surveyed. Special topics may include the disease processes that affect the human body, such as cancers and AIDS. Prerequisites: Students must have had a C+ or higher in Biology.

Chemistry (11,12) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 03101
Chemistry is an advanced study of matter and its properties. All characteristics (*properties) of matter depend upon its structure (make-up). Therefore, we will study the detailed structure of materials and use this information to make and predict the properties of new materials. Prerequisites: The course is intended for students who have completed at least two years of math, including Algebra I.

Physics (11,12) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 03151
This one-year advanced course discusses the concepts of physics: mechanics, forms of energy, and the conservation laws. Prerequisites: intended for students who have completed at least two years of math, including Algebra I and Geometry or Algebra II.


World Geography * (9) ½ credit - Semester Course 04001
Geography is a hands-on working class that involves map work, puzzles, and lectures. Most work is done in class using resource maps and textbooks to gain familiarity with the physical and cultural world around us. The one-semester class for freshmen concentrates on “awareness” of our world and its identities.

US History - Comprehensive * (11) ½ credit - Semester course 04101
US History is a full-year required course for juniors. The class concentrates on the time span of the Revolutionary War to Modern Day. Modern videos, class lecture, and discussions are a regular part of the daily routine. Highlighted units include the Civil War, WWII, and Viet Nam. The class attempts to make you aware of the sacrifices our predecessors made and the responsibility we have to carry on our great American heritage and tradition.

World History - Overview * (12) ½ credit - Semester course 04051
World History will improve the student’s awareness of history outside the boundaries of the U.S. We will review the civilizations and dynasties of the early world as we knew it then. Many of today's political and social challenges are directly related to the past history of the world and the decisions and conflicts that took place. World History will attempt to bring the issues into focus and explain the impact it has on the US and world today. This class will be more independent than U.S. History and will involve fewer lectures and more student responsibility in the classroom.

US Government - Comprehensive * (12) ½ credit - Semester course 04151
This is a required course for seniors opposite a semester of Economics. The basic operation of our government and how it works is the main emphasis of the class. Citizenship and responsibility are the primary ideas that are stressed.

Economics * (12) ½ credit - Semester Course 04201
The purpose of this required semester class is to introduce the student to the basic principles of the different economic systems. Special emphasis will be on the free enterprise system in the United States. It will help a student understand his/her role as a consumer, worker, and citizen. It will work to help a student gain an understanding of the importance of living in an economic system that protects individual freedoms.


CTE Workplace Technology Skills * (9) ½ credit - Semester Course 10004
Microsoft Excel. Files will be downloaded, and students will have to make changes according to directions given. Formulas will be stressed, along with the different applications available in Microsoft Excel.

CTE Computer Science Essentials (9,10,11,12) 1 full Credit - Semester 1 & 2 10057
Computer Science Essentials is a course designed to guide students in exploring a foundation of knowledge in computer science concepts. Topics covered in the class include computing systems, networks and the Internet, data and analysis, algorithms, and programming, and the impacts of computing.

CTE CyberSecurity (9,10,11,12) 1 full credit- Semester 1 & 2 10108
Cyber security is an increasingly in-demand field in the Information Technology Cluster. In this course, students will look at the major ideas in the fields of cybersecurity or information assurance. The course design addresses the fundamental implications of technology, the history of securing information, and the relationship to the evolution of technology, and the need to securely transmit and store information. This course will look at the ways computers, programs, networks, and people are exploited by hackers, and what can be done to prevent or minimize the damage. Students will learn foundational cybersecurity topics including digital citizenship and cyber hygiene.


Art Comprehensive and Art Portfolio are separate courses, taught during the same class period.

Visual Arts - Comprehensive (9,10,11,12) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 05154
Visual Arts- Comprehensive enables students to explore multiple art forms (e.g., drawing, painting, two- and three-dimensional design, and sculpture) and to create individual works of art. The course emphasizes observation, interpretation of the visual environment, visual communication, imagination, and symbolism. This course covers the vocabulary, language, materials, media, and process of a particular art form and the design elements used. Course may also include the study of major artists, art movements, and styles. 16 student max.

Art Portfolio (10,11,12) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 05170
Students will earn a half-credit of an elective for each semester completed. This course builds and expands upon foundational art skills learned in Visual Arts Comprehensive. Students will further develop their artistic techniques and creative expression by exploring a wider range of media, art historical periods, and compositional strategies while using their understanding of the elements and principles of design. Prerequisite: Had to have completed 2 semesters of Visual Art Comprehensive. 5 student max (if Visual Arts is full) (if not full, can have more than 5 students).

Ceramics/Pottery (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 05159
Students will learn hand building and glazing techniques as well as learning how to work with the potter’s wheel. 16 student max.

Printmaking/Graphics (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 05160
Designed to give students a background in both printmaking and graphic design. Students will learn techniques and processes of fine art printmaking such as relief, monotype, collagraph, and etching. Computers will be used as a tool for creating advertisements, commercial designs, and some creative art.

Band (9,10,11,12) ½ credit per Semester - 05101
Concert Band is open to students in grades 9-12 who have successfully completed Middle School Band. Concert band has 2-4 mandatory performances each year. Instrumental music includes the study of a variety of musical styles. Solo and ensemble opportunities and private lessons are available upon request. Members of the Concert Band may choose to audition for All-State Band, Jazz Band, or Orchestra along with other honor bands and festivals. There are many other opportunities to attend or participate in. Concert Band participants are also members of the Pep Band, which plays at several home events throughout the year. All members of the Pep Band are required to attend the scheduled events that are typically, at most, only 1 per week.

Chorus (9,10,11,12) ½ credit per Semester - 05110
Vocal music opportunities at De Smet provide study in a variety of musical styles. Concert Choir is open to students in grades 9-12. Concert Choir has 2-4 mandatory performances each year. Other vocal music opportunities include ensembles, solos, show choir, All-State Chorus, SD Honor Choir, other honor and festival choirs, etc. Private lessons are offered to any member of the Concert Choir. A student must be involved in some rehearsals outside of class to attend All-State Chorus, sing solos at concerts, and/or compete at the Region Contest in the spring. Private lessons are also offered to those who wish to audition for SD Honor Choir, which is held for juniors and seniors at a week-long camp on a university campus each summer.

Music History/Appreciation (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - 05116
Music History/Appreciation courses survey different musical styles and periods with the intent of increasing students’ understanding of music and its importance in relation to the human experience. Music History/Appreciation courses may focus on how various styles of music apply musical elements to create an expressive or aesthetic impact. Students also have the ability for informal music performance and creation within the classroom. This is History of Rock and Roll 1950-2009 class.

Music Theory (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - 05113
Music Theory courses provide students with an understanding of the fundamentals of music and include the following topics: composition, arranging, analysis, aural development, and sight reading. What is Music - Diving into how music is defined, what music is in the world, deep diving into subgenres, and music business/arts administration techniques and applications.

AP Music Theory 1 credit - 05114
AP Music Theory courses are designed to be the equivalent of a first-year music theory college course as specified by the College Board. AP Music Theory develops students’ understanding of musical structure and compositional procedures. Usually intended for students who already possess performance-level skills, AP Music Theory courses extend and build upon students’ knowledge of intervals, scales, chords, metric/rhythmic patterns, and the ways they interact in a composition. Musical notation, analysis, composition, and aural skills are important components of the course.


Personal Finance * (12) ½ credit - Semester Course 19262
The Personal Finance class is a semester class for seniors that will cover the following concepts: Earning a Living, Money Management, Spending and Credit, and Savings and Investing. The class focuses on the important issues affecting young people and finances and will teach the skills needed for students to manage their finances successfully when they are out on their own.

Health Education * (9) ½ credit - Semester Course 08051
Topics covered in this course may vary widely, but typically include personal health (nutrition, mental health and stress management, drug/alcohol abuse prevention, and first aid) and consumer health issues. The courses may also include brief studies of environmental health, personal development, and/or community resources.

Physical Education * (9) ½ credit - Semester Course 08001
Physical Education courses provide students with knowledge, experience, and an opportunity to develop skills in more than one of the following sports or activities: team sports, individual/dual sports, recreational sports, and fitness/conditioning activities.

Lifetime Fitness Education (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 08016
Lifetime Fitness Education courses emphasize acquiring knowledge and skills regarding lifetime physical fitness: content may include related topics such as nutrition, stress management, and consumer issues. Students may develop and implement a personal fitness plan. Students will need to dress appropriately for this class. NO STREET SHOES IN THE GYM OR WEIGHT ROOM. 22 student max.

Individual/Dual Sports (Officiating) (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 08003
Individual/Dual Sports courses provide students with knowledge, experience, and an opportunity to develop skills in more than one individual sport (such as tennis, golf, badminton, jogging/running, racquetball, and so on). Students may need to have PE clothes on occasion for this class. NO STREET SHOES IN GYM OR WEIGHT ROOM


CTE Introduction to Agriculture and Natural Resources (9,10) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 18001
FFA-leadership ¼----Shop, carpentry ¼----Plant science ¼----Community service type shop project (1/8), Crops (1/8) ¼-----Students will be exposed to FFA and SAE throughout the year, Ag production, plant science is stressed, record-keeping is started.

CTE Fundamental Animal Science (9,10,11,12) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 18101
Animal science, dairy, dairy products, judging showmanship, meats, etc., horsemanship ½----welding 1/8—Community Service type projects ⅛.

CTE Agriculture Business Sales and Marketing (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 18201
Land descriptions--soils, survey, building construction, electricity, concrete work, individual projects, community service projects, welding, small engine overhaul, and plumbing.

CTE Ag Systems Technology (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 18402
Individual projects, community service projects, welding, small engine overhaul, and plumbing.

CTE Agribusiness Management (9,10,11,12) ½ credit- Semester Course 18202
Ag finance ¼----record keeping-SAE ¼----Marketing-features, income tax analysis ¼----job application, business communication, international ag, resume, insurance, contract, etc. ¼ -—possible community service.

CTE Advance Ag Structures Technology (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 18407
Advanced metal work projects and ag structures work.

CTE Ag Metal Fabrication Technology (9,10,11,12) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 18404
Focus on welding—arc, gas plasma, MIG—Approach from business view—Job applications, resume, inventories, spreadsheet pricing and marketing.

CTE Fundamental Horticulture (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 18052
Greenhouse work—propagation, plant science, flowers, vegetable garden, lawn & turf, landscaping pest control—responsible for growing and planting all Washington Park garden flowers, trees, and hydroponics.

CTE Horticulture Operations (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 18053
Greenhouse work—propagation, plant science, flowers, vegetable garden, lawn & turf, horticulture careers and resources.


CTE Principals of Banking (9,10,11,12) ½ Credit - Semester Course 12102
This course explores the fundamental principles and practices of banking and credit in the United States, giving an overview of the concepts of banking services including the following: money and banking, customer service, lending fundamentals, banking regulations for handling financial transactions, and basic compliance regulations.

CTE Principals of Insurance (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 12106
Principles of Insurance focuses on learning about the various types of insurance. The course will explore the opportunities of careers in insurance. Students will gain an understanding of risk management and the benefits of insurance.

Introduction to Business (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 12051
Introductory Business courses survey an array of topics and concepts related to the field of business. These courses introduce business concepts such as banking and finance, the role of government in business, consumerism, credit, investment, and management. They usually provide a brief overview of the U.S. economic system, small businesses, and corporate organizations. Introductory Business courses may also expose students to the varied opportunities in administration, accounting, management, and related fields.

Business Law (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 12054
Business Law courses emphasize legal concepts that are relevant to business and business organizations. Topics examined in these courses typically include contracts, buying/renting property, installment buying, insurance, buyer/seller relationships, negotiable instruments, employment, taxes, insurance, commercial papers, legal organizational structures, and consumer liabilities.


CTE Human Development: Prenatal to Toddlers (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 19052
Human Development: Prenatal to Toddlers courses provide students with knowledge about the physical, mental, emotional, social, and moral growth and development of children from conception to preschool age, emphasizing the application of this knowledge in childcare settings and/or home environments. Brain development and current developmental research are addressed. These courses typically include related topics such as the appropriate care of infants, toddlers, and young children.

CTE Nutrition and Wellness (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 19253
Nutrition and Wellness educates students to make healthy lifestyle choices for personal, family, and career success across the lifespan. Topics include the impact of technology on nutrition, food choices, wellness and stress management, meal planning and preparation, dietary guidelines, and food safety and sanitation practices.

CTE Introduction to Human Services (10,11,12) ½ credit - 19001
Introduction to Human Services focuses on the pathways and careers in the Human Services cluster. The course allows students to identify and compare their personal attributes with careers in this cluster. It will also explore the professional behaviors, skills and abilities necessary for human services careers.

CTE Lifespan Connections (10,11,12) 1 credit - 19255
Lifespan Connections examines the role and dynamics of family, work, and other significant relationships. Through this course, students will analyze healthy relationships with children and adults of all ages in the context of family and workplace. The course will also cover strategies and resources to meet the needs of all individuals, families, and communities.

CTE Fashion Design 1 (10,11,12) ½ credit - 19201
Fashion Design is an applied knowledge course intended to help students explore different aspects of careers in the fashion design industry. Students will study the history of the fashion industry, elements and principles of design, textile composition, and fashion illustration. Students will explore trends in fashion design and engage with industry-specific technology used to produce fabrics and create fashion lines. This would be an overall Textiles course. 12 student max.

CTE Interior Design 1 (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - 19205
Interior Design I provide students with an introduction to interior design. Students learn to create impact using the elements and principles of design. Areas of study include understanding both personal and clients wants and needs, housing options, design styles, furniture arrangement, floor plan evaluation, space planning, project presentation and interior design related careers. 12 student max.

CTE Service Learning (10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 22104
Community Service courses provide students with the opportunity to volunteer their time, energy, and talents to serve a community project or organization. These courses are usually (but not always) conducted with a seminar component so that students can use their volunteer experiences to learn how to solve problems, make decisions, and communicate effectively.

CTE Restaurant Management/Culinary Arts I (10,11,12) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 16053
Restaurant Management/Culinary Arts I provide students with instruction regarding nutrition, principles of healthy eating, and the preparation of food. Among the topics covered are large-scale meal preparation, preserving nutrients throughout the food preparation process, use and care of commercial cooking equipment, food storage, advances in food technology, safety, sanitation, management, production, service skills, menu planning, the operation of institutional food establishments and the careers available in the foodservice industry. 12 student max.

CTE Restaurant Management/Culinary Arts II (11,12) 1 full credit - Semester 1 & 2 16055
Students in Restaurant Management/Culinary Arts II expand upon entry-level culinary skills needed for success in the foodservice industry or continuing education. Students train in industry-specific skills that can be used in all areas of the foodservice industry. 12 student max.

CTE Youth Internships (12) ½ credit- Semester Course 80018
Youth internships allow students to gain authentic, real-world experience in business and industry. Students’ interests, strengths, and chosen career clusters/pathways determine the internship experience(s). Based on the internship experience(s), students will gain insight to their postsecondary personal learning plan Prerequisite: Principal Approval needed, Cannot be with parent/guardian, or any family members. 3.25 GPA, Employer must be contacted beforehand, all required documents must be filled out by parent, employer and principal before leaving school to work. You must work for someone in De Smet City Limits.


Photojournalism (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 11102
Photojournalism courses expose students to the manner in which photography is used to convey information and experiences. Typically coordinated with production of the school newspaper, yearbook, or other media product, photojournalism courses provide students with the opportunity to improve their photo composition and digital technology skills, and to apply their art to journalistic endeavors. These courses may also cover film development.

Journalism (9,10,11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 11101
Journalism courses (typically associated with the production of a school newspaper, yearbook, or literary magazine) emphasize writing style and technique as well as production values and organization. Journalism courses introduce students to the concepts of newsworthiness and press responsibility; develop students’ skills in writing and editing stories, headlines, and captions; and teach students the principles of production design, layout, and printing. Photography, photojournalism, and digital technology skills may be included.

High School Student Assistant (11,12) ½ credit - Semester Course 22051
This course offers students the opportunity to tutor and mentor younger students. High school students will be paired with MS and LIW students at the beginning of the semester and work with 2 students at least twice each week. Students are expected to offer assistance in a variety of ways to help their mentee improve. Prerequisite: PRINCIPAL APPROVAL NEEDED - student may only take this course once during their 4 years of high school.

Dual Credit - College Courses 1 full credit
State law allows 11th and 12th-grade students to “enroll in not more than two courses per fall or spring semester which are offered at an institution of higher education or postsecondary vocational education institution.” Those who are academically prepared, self-disciplined, and well-organized should be encouraged to consider university courses. Placement examinations or test scores may be required to determine whether a student may enroll in certain courses. You will receive full credit toward high school graduation as well as college credit for every course you take. The De Smet School District will pay for the textbooks for the classes. The student will be responsible for tuition. Prerequisite: PRINCIPAL AND COUNSELOR APPROVAL NEEDED; Must take Algebra 2 before College Algebra. Must take English First Semester of English III for English 101 or 201. Please refer to the Registration Packet for more information.

CTE Defined: Career and Technical Education
The goal of the South Dakota Department of Education is for all students to graduate college, career, and life-ready. The Division of Career and Technical Education (DCTE) provides support for students’ preparations for postsecondary education and the workforce. Services are connected to approved Career & Technical Education (CTE) programs, work-based learning, school counseling, and SDMyLife. In line with the department’s aspiration. DCTE works to ensure students not only graduate from high school but that they are prepared to navigate the transitions and life events that come after high school.